
MT Estate (OÜ Citymax) makes the buying and selling of real estate as convenient and cost effective as possible while maintaining the highest level of service. The company provides accurate and up-to-date information, sound real estate advice as well as development and project management service.

Our long-term experience in real estate enables us to provide professional service and flexible personal approach.

If you are planning to buy, sell or rent real estate, do not hesitate to contact us.

Also, if you have ever thought about buying or renting a second house to the Southern coast of Spain, we would be more than happy to help you with your dream in co-operation with our trustworthy partners. Visit page.and contact us!



Müüa detailplaneeringuga tootmismaa kinnistud Muuga äripargis

Kinnistud asuvad loogiliselt väga soodsas asukohas – Muuga sadama, Maardu raudteejaama ning Tallinn-Peterburi mnt vahetus läheduses, Muuga ja Kallavere elupiirkonna naabruses, pealinna Tallinna külje all (15km Tallinna lennujaamast, 7km Lasnamäe elamurajoonist). Kinnistute suurused alates 8174m2 ning hind 25 eur/m2.

Maardu linna üldplaneeringu järgi kuuluvad kinnistud Koordi majanduspiirkonda, mille arendamise põhisuunaks on paindliku, nõudlusest tuleneva tootmis- ja ärikeskkonna loomine. Valdav osa piirkonnast on tootmisfunktsiooniga endine fosforiiditehase maa-ala. Kinnistutel on on ärimaa kõrvalsihtostarve. Asukoha tõttu, Muuga sadama ning Tallinn-Peterburi mnt vahel, omab potensiaali muutuda peamiseks transiidikoridoriks ning logistikakeskuseks kahe riiklikult tähtsa objekti vahel.



All penthouses on Mere puiestee are sold.

We are sincerely grateful to all of our co-partners and we congratulate buyers with their successful deals.

If you are still looking for an apartment in the heart of Tallinn, please contact us and we will find you the best offer.



New office premises in Valge street near Kadriorg

total area - 321m2
first floor, separated entrance from the street
spacious rooms, good floorplan
good location
3 parking places in the yard
there is a coffee, negotiation room, reception in the building
rent 1848 eur/month + tax + utility fees



Merle Tamm

Merle Tamm Kinnisvaramaakler

Member of Estonian Chamber of Real Estate Agents
Real estate broker reg. no: KMR 71418

Member of Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce

OÜ Citymax
Certificate Trustworthy Company

16 years of experience in real estate! Trust the professionals!